Sunday, November 11, 2012

Interblog 1

While reading Oshrat Nachum's blog,  I've found myself eager to read her future posts. Oshrat shared her journey of constructing the perfect theme with her readers, which made her blog all the more realistic. By conveying her thoughts in a methodical manner, she successfully captivated readers to find out how her blog would develop. After deliberating on what her topic should be, Oshrat came to the conclusion that she would focus on the history of Israeli food and movies since the state's formation in 1948. She cleverly named her topic: "Dinner and a Movie: Israeli Style." 

Because I love watching foreign films and eating foods from various cultures, I'm confident that I will truly enjoy reading the rest of Oshrat's posts. Furthermore, I love visiting Israel, so learning new things about its culture will enhance my future trips there. I advise everyone to check out Ms. Nachum's blog in order to appreciate and acquire a knowledge of Israel's societal history.  

1 comment:

  1. I love your background photo! Great job on the blog posts and on the inter-blogging post as well.
